Didactics of German Language and Literature

Symbolbild Lehramt
Stock image Teacher Training, © Oliver Böhm, 2014

The Chair of Didactics of German Language and Literature is concerned with teaching and learning processes in the areas of literature, language and media didactics of German. We qualify future teachers of German for further training at primary schools, secondary schools and grammar schools.

Our central concern for the teacher training degree course is an effective combination of theory and practice. This includes imparting fundamental theoretical knowledge of German didactics, based on the latest research, as well as providing reflective and supportive guidance during practical phases.

The Chair's research focuses on the areas of literary learning, interpreting literary texts, literature and education as well as (children's and youth) literature on the Holocaust and National Socialism. We also conduct research into subject-specific reading processes using eye-tracking.

Contact us

Prof. Dr. Anette Sosna
Chair holder

Rubenowstraße 3 - Room 3.10
17487 Greifswald
Tel.: +49 3834 420 3410


Luca Förster


Rubenowstraße 3 - Room 2.19
17489 Greifswald
Tel.: +49 3834 420 3412

Consultation hours:

Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - noon

Latest News

Praxis Deutsch Nr.307/2024: Erinnerungskulturen

Edited by Anette Sosna and Dieter Wrobel

Remembrance days and anniversaries are omnipresent in our society. But why are some occasions commemorated every year and others barely remembered and celebrated? What do we remember as a society? Why and how do we do it? And what role do German lessons play in this?

The teaching models in this issue offer a wide range of possibilities for teaching the topic of commemorative cultures using specific examples, for instance: What happens to the resistant and irritating? What happens to the secured and stereotyped? How should reactions such as the widespread silence after the Holocaust or the still prevailing speechlessness in the aftermath of German reunification be categorised? - The texts and documentary film dealt with take up these questions and process them both aesthetically and in terms of content. In doing so, they pick up on individual and social dynamics of perception.

Further information and table of contents [de]