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The department is currently organised into the following fields of work:

  • Older German Language and Literature
  • German Linguistics
  • Modern German Literary Studies
  • Didactics of German Language and Literature
  • German as a Foreign Language

which cover the full breadth of research and teaching in the field of German Language and Literature.

The field of German Linguistics deals with the theories, methods and findings of scientific research related to the German language. The historical development of the German language and the literature written in German in the Middle Ages are the subject of the Older German Language and Literature field of work. Academics involved in Modern German Literary Studies examine literary history, literary theory and literary culture from the early modern period to the present. German as a Foreign Language is dedicated to the theory and practice of the teaching of German to non-native language learners. The Department of Teaching German as a Foreign Language offers additional courses to non-native students and academics at the university. The field of Didactics of German Language and Literature is dedicated to the teaching of language and literature in the classroom.
Low German is researched as a regional form of language both by German Literary Studies and, in particular, as part of the research focus on the Pomeranian dictionary. The Competence Centre for the Teaching of Low German (KND) focuses on training and further education in Low German. With the Koeppen Archive, the department is home to the estate of writer Wolfgang Koeppen.


The Department of German Philology offers eight (partial)degree courses.
A degree course at the Department of German Philology focuses on German language and/or literature and, if applicable, its teaching. Beyond the boundaries of German Language and Literature, the department is linked to other institutions at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, such as the Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies (IZFG) or the Language Centre. By linking several subjects in the bachelor's and teacher training degree courses, the Department of German Philology is connected to other departments that belong to the Faculty of Arts and other faculties of the University of Greifswald. Interdisciplinary (research) projects and international exchange programmes round off the department's profile.